URGENT: Answer six questions to shape the future of NHS care

The government are currently consulting on a new 10-year plan to shape the future of the NHS in England. 

They've asked organisations to gather the feedback and insights of their supporters accessing NHS services in England. Don’t miss out on having your voice heard: all you need to do is answer our six simple questions. 

By taking part, you’ll be helping shape the future of the NHS to create a brighter future for bereaved families, and make sure more babies’ lives are saved.

We only have a few weeks to get as many answers as possible.

Help us ensure the government hears directly from bereaved parents in England. 

We know the questions might bring up some difficult feelings and we would like to offer support to anyone that finds answering the questions upsetting or challenging. Please indicate in this form if you would like us to contact you, we are here for you.